Classrooms » Multiple Disabilities Severe

Multiple Disabilities Severe

Summary of Program

In the Multiple Disabilities-Severe department, we focus on teaching our students skills to promote their independence. These skills include mobility, which we teach using the MOVE (Mobility Opportunities via Education) curriculum and with a variety of equipment such as walkers, standers, adapted chairs  and adapted toilets.  Communication skills are taught with the aid of voice output communication devices, which give our non-verbal students the opportunity to have a voice. Life skills, such as eating, drinking and toileting are also priorities in the MDS department.

Our academic lessons are based on the Unique Learning System, which we adapt in order to offer accessible and meaningful content to our students. Finally, the School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Plan, based on our Salvin motto, ”SEAL”—“be a safe, engaged, accountable  learner” informs our daily program, in that we interact with our students in a positive, respectful manner, focusing on encouragement and celebrating independence.

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